
Parenting Teens

This eight hour workshop will show you how to raise confident, responsible, loving teenagers with a sense of purpose for their lives
Framed photo of teenager
"When you become a parent,
you stop being the picture and become the frame."

In this workshop I cover

  • how to build a healthy "frame" (family) for your teens
  • how to build your teenager up into a confident, responsible young person

All of us know how difficult teenagers can be.  How do we best deal with their moods, behaviour and problems?  There are two approaches: through the strength of our relationship with them, or through exercising authority and control.  The authority and control route often leads to escalating conflicts and problems.  But the stronger our relationship with our teen, the less we will have to use heavy handed authority and control.  Hence the first focus of the workshop is restoring and building the relationships in your family.  We look at proven ways to create a family that is both full of love as well as having clear limits and the many subtle problems that can erode relationships in the family.

Then we turn to equipping your teenager with a strong identity, confidence and a sense of purpose, and the skills they need to become responsible young people.  We do this by looking at the many other different "frames" or worlds that your teenager lives in (including school, sports, friends, romantic relationships, the online realm of the Internet and MXit).  We discuss how you can best influence your teenager's exposure to these worlds, and then how you can coach them through their experiences in these areas, so that the "bumps" they go through can both build them into better people and deepen your relationship with them.  We also look at how to tackle issues like ADD/ADHD, depression, drinking, drugs, bullying, cutting, anorexia and suicide attempts.  All this is done in the context of also deepening their faith and their relationship with God.

Finally we close by looking at how parents of teens can support each other in the process of parenting, and other resources that they can draw upon.

The workshop runs over two consecutive days, from 6 to 9 pm on a Friday night and from 8 am to 1 pm on the Saturday.
It includes teas and course notes.  The cost is R600 per person, and R300 for spouses, so that a husband and wife would cost R900 in total. If you cannot afford to pay the full fee, please write to me and you can then pay a lesser amount.
Please note that there is a cancellation fee of R100 for late cancellations in the week before a workshop.

Please see Forthcoming Workshops for the dates of workshops in your area, or contact me if you would like more information.
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